A series
of editors notes are being published as each part of the NZLR is released.
editor Geoff McLay writes,
"We are aiming to provide readers with a more regular series of editor’s notes as we publish the New Zealand Law Reports. These editor’s notes are designed to not only let you know what is significant in terms of the doctrine in the cases we are reporting but to give readers a flavour of how New Zealand judges are deciding some of the most important cases, and reveal possible links between what seem like disparate decisions. (Cases are linked to the version on LexisNexis Advance)"
Topic: The effect of the digital Revolution on the courts and the legal profession.
In preparation for his visit, I have collected and collated a range of books that you might like to browse or read before his arrival.
Please, help yourself!
To celebrate the 50th speaker of the prestigious Faculty of Law FW Guest Memorial Lecture, the Law Library is showcasing a selection of literature from past and present speakers.
Do come take a look. The display will be up for one week only: 20 - 28 July
Ten years ago, around about now, the Law Library embarked on a rather massive and exciting refurbishment. The proof is here in pictures.... start from the bottom.
This great coffee-related website and blog has got the magic number, and the science behind it. Like you needed a reason for another delicious coffee..... mmmmm coffee
Now that you've had the formal training, I hope you are putting it into practise!
If you do get stuck, remember the Law Subject guide includes Research Strategies to help you learn. in particular, do refer to the LAWS398 guides, and the Database guides from the publishers themselves.
Are you settling in and raring to go?
I am looking forward to meeting you soon, in the library, and in the LAWS398 tutorials.
Got a question? Just Ask.
From your Law Librarian.
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