Thursday, September 17, 2015

Exam-Time Law Library Etiquette

The Law Library is a fantastic place to study, as you all know. At this time of year when nerves are fraying, and people are stressed, please follow these conscientious suggestions:

  •  Share the space.  
    • The 'egg' dividers are designed to provide even and equitable spacing.
  •  Silence is golden.
    •  If you know you need to chat while you study, use a space where noise is ok. e.g the Common Room, or the front part of the Library.
  • Stay with your stuff. 
    • Leaving your stuff unattended at a desk is uncool when space is at a premium.
  • Take breaks. 
    • Your brain and your body needs a break a regular intervals. Eating your food away from the library is a win-win solution. (Smelly, noisy food is a high source of irritation).