Tuesday, March 26, 2013

UK Supreme Court judgments on youtube

You can now view oral summaries of UK Supreme Court judgments on youtube. Youtube also gives you the medium neutral citation, so you can go to BAILII's Supreme court decisions to find the whole judgment if you want it, or the summary, which (at least for the few I've looked at) seems to be pretty close to the oral judgment itself.
Presumably you could work the other way as well: find a case on BAILII and then, based on its hearing date, find the oral summary on youtube.
Or you could sit back, look and listen.

Monday, March 25, 2013


To everyone who attended the Student Professional Development event last Monday, congratulations! You took part in very sucessful event (if I may say so myself!).I was very impressed with the number of attendees.
We hope you got something positive out of it.
In a couple of weeks I'll send out a survey, so you can tell us what you really thought, and can be instrumental in shaping another event, should the signs point to go!
If you're bursting with feedback, please come and see me.....cheers

Friday, March 1, 2013

LAWS 498 library exercise

A few tips for those of you doing the library exercise.
  • Just about everything you need to know is in the Little Red Book. You'll have to look for it, but it's there.
  • Print culture takes time. The links are there, but sometimes they need legs. For example, if you want to track the history of an act, start with the original; if it's not the current version, there will be a reference to the next reprint; if that's not the current version, there will be a reference to the next reprint (and the next, and the next) until you get to the latest reprint, which will either be current, or tell you what repealed it. Another example: there aren't always consolidated indexes, so you may need to repeat the same search over numerous volumes - start with the earliest possible date and work forward.
  • Just about everything you need to know is in the Little Red Book.